It's 11:30am on Saturday here in Russia. I arrived safely last night along with all my bags! There were no problems with this. Thanks for your prayers!
When we touched down, the snow fluries started falling. It came down more intense later that evening!
After arriving, I was met in the airport by Dasha, the lady helping SAC to make in-country arrangements, Basil, my friend who was my translator with the Josh McDowell Ministry in 2001 (whe he was 15 years old!), and Sergey, my son! We all crowded in the car and headed to the Family Home (trasition home) apartment.
Nancy's team was there along with 20 or so kids from the Family Home! See the picture, but I'm not in it! I was standing on a table taking it! We had a great fellowship and Bible Study with them on Friday evening. Two of the girls had been baptized this past Wednesday and we were excited to celebrate with them!
Nancy and the others quickly shared some of their expreinces during the week and how blessed they were for getting to live in these Transiton Homes. One of the boys named Misha, who I met last October, remembered that I was going to ask him to show me how to make Beef Stronganof (sp?). He is studying to be a chef. So, at some point I will go over there again and have him teach me how to make this Russian dish!
We were at the Family Home apartment until midnight. I had called for a taxi an hour and a half earlier, but they were delayed. It was 1am before I arrived at the MIR apartment I'm staying at. I went stright to bed after being up some 32 hours without sleep.
This morning, I connected my laptop to the apartment internet to catch up on e-mails. I learned that Mike and Amy Robinson from Hutners' Glen have been given a refferal to adopt 2 small brother (under 4 years old) and will be travelling to Russia this Thursday! THe surprise is that they will be staying in the same hotel as my Mission team! We will all be able to have breakfast together before striking off to our differetn schedules. You can read about their adoption expereince by going to their blog at:
This is going to be an exciting trip with different and unexpected things happening! Having the Robison’s here at the same time on their adoption experience is a blessing! I’ll be excited to hear of their stories and get a daily update!
Well, my son Sergey just called me to tell me he is coming over to MIR. It’s near lunch time and I think my children want some time with Dad at a food court and near a bowling alley! I see this has been well planned! I’m looking forward to seeing the rest of my kids this afternoon and catching up with them. I’ll write more as I get time.
Happy Easter everyone!
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