You know the kids at Child in Danger are comfortable with you when you sit down and have one in your lap and two on each side snuggled close to you. Sometimes fights even break out for that prime sitting position! It’s a sign that the kids see the love of Christ shining through us as we minister to their needs.
We’ve been successful in having the Bible Study at the beginning of our activities. The kids are anxious to sit and hear what we will share. Dasha, our newly hired SAC Program
Director in St. Petersburg has been sharing the Bible story directly in their native language. Today Dasha brought a “sheep” puppet as we told about sheep and the Sheppard and how God is our Sheppard. It’s all basic for kids who never have heard of God and Christ. Some haven’t ever seen anyone pray before.
While Dasha is leading the Bible study, Sergey is setting up the crafts for the next activity. Once Bible Study is done, the kids run to the craft table to see what we have brought. Today the kids
worked on a scratch art project that turned into a sun catcher. It was a little more interesting that the standard scratch art project. At the same time, Sergey choose a child one at a time to come to a separate table and do a spin art project. That’s where you use a machine that spins the paper and you drop small drops of paint on the paper while it’s spinning. They all seemed to enjoy that.
Soon the kids were restless and ready for another activity. The kids loved playing Duck-Duck-Goose. It’s a run and chase game that’s fairly controlled. Afterwards, the kids were back at the craft tables painting with water colors pictures of sheep in pastures with their Sheppard.
After everyone was done, we were able to take the older kids on an outing to go bow
ling. These seven kids really seemed to enjoy getting away for a couple of hours even though most had never bowled a game in their life. They wanted to stay all evening as they were having a great time teasing and taunting each other as they threw gutter balls awkwardly down the lane.
We’ve been successful in having the Bible Study at the beginning of our activities. The kids are anxious to sit and hear what we will share. Dasha, our newly hired SAC Program
While Dasha is leading the Bible study, Sergey is setting up the crafts for the next activity. Once Bible Study is done, the kids run to the craft table to see what we have brought. Today the kids
Soon the kids were restless and ready for another activity. The kids loved playing Duck-Duck-Goose. It’s a run and chase game that’s fairly controlled. Afterwards, the kids were back at the craft tables painting with water colors pictures of sheep in pastures with their Sheppard.
After everyone was done, we were able to take the older kids on an outing to go bow
Friday will be our last day and our chance to share the Gospel with them. Many of these children are young and won’t understand the concept of a relationship with Christ, but several of the older ones will understand and so we hope seeds will be planted and God will open some hearts as we share.
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