Jon Borisvich has lived a long time in Rostov and became active in church several years ago. He currently serves as a deacon in the Central Baptist Church in Rostov and their church currently works with orphanages, shelters, and a children’s hospital. Jon came to Sergey’s apartment for the meeting so we could all learn from one another and discover if there was a possibility of doing ministry together with SAC as an outreach of his church to the community.
There are 11 Baptist churches in Rostov with 6 being officially registered. Jon’s church has 21 members and they visit an orphanage or shelter once a month. I wanted to
We had a good meeting and he even suggested visiting an orphanage in Chechnya or a trip to Beslan, where the Beslan school hostage crisis occurred in September of 2004 when Chechen terrorist took the school children and teacher hostage killing 334 including 186 children. That would be a 9-15 hour drive, depending on check points and traffic from Rostov. That may be a little out of reach right now for a SAC team.
There are many more questions to answer, but we ended the meeting in prayer and in hopes that one day SAC might be able to arrange for a mission trip to Rostov. Please pray with us as SAC considers extending our mission to another city.
Hey John!
It's so interesting that you referenced Belsan in your blog. I just watched a documentary (this afternoon) about the siege, and cried because of the children telling about their experiences. My heart broke for them! One young boy stated that he didn't believe in God...only Russia. I was convicted that they need SAC. Now we have some praying to do!!
Be safe!
Hey John!
It's so interesting that you referenced Belsan in your blog. I just watched a documentary (this afternoon) about the siege, and cried because of the children telling about their experiences. My heart broke for them! One young boy stated that he didn't believe in God...only Russia. I was convicted that they need SAC. Now we have some praying to do!!
Be safe!
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